The Workout Regime for Perfectly Toned Legs

Between the form fitting tank-tops and colorful high waist fitness leggings, you’ll be working to get that beach body. But this season, what’s going to be the center of everyone’s attention? Your legs. Do you feel like yours could use some help?

Of course, it will take some effort and dedication to have well toned legs like Blake Lively, Gwyneth Paltrow or Jennifer Lopez, but it’s possible! Bonus: You will feel good with just the thought of your well toned legs encased in FigureSlim’s form flattering fitness tights.   

Try the following yoga moves to achieve the much coveted toned legs;

Yoga Exercise #1: The Three-Legged Dog



Ask anyone what the ‘downward facing dog’ is and they’ll will provide a rendition of this classic yoga pose. The three legged dog is one step ahead when it comes to the intensity of the move but is done with more or less the same moves.

Stand upright and feet pressed together. Now lift your right leg as high up as possible and hold this position for five seconds before repeating this yoga pose again (with the left leg). The three legged dog will not only tone your legs but will also improve balance and coordination. 

Yoga Exercise #2: The Wheel

A bit tough to follow through, this yoga pose can be mastered with a bit of practice.

Start this move by lying on your back with knees bended (keeping feet hip-width apart). Imagine the position assumed if you were about to do crunches.

Here comes the tough part- press down into your hands and feet, lifting your hips and lengthening arms using that momentum. Remember to move your chest upward as far as able, as you press. The longer you are able to hold this move, the more toned your legs will become.

Yoga Exercise #3: The Plank

The plank pose is as ideal for toning our legs as it’s good for the rest of the body. Start the position on bent elbows and extend your legs into a pushup position. Hold this position for as long as you can or until you feel the burn in your muscle.


Yoga Exercise #4: Plank Push-ups

The natural progression after mastering plank position is the plank push-ups. For this, come up off your elbows and onto your palms (while legs still stretched behind) and start pushing your body up and down. 

You’ll soon note a change in your legs after consistently following these yoga poses. Of course, rocking fitness leggings for women will need to be paired with your toned legs. And where else should you get high quality and high waist fitness leggings, but FigureSlim?

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